I’m always searching for healthy snacks like crackers and chips. One brand I discovered at Meijrs grocery stores was Olina’s Bakehouse from Australia. They have two or three flavors that I purchase when they are in stock. One is Chili & Lime and the other is Vinegar and Onion. Recently, I looked closer at these two boxes and found one of them had Maltodextrin and yeast in them. The other, Vinegar and onion, didn’t have these two ingredients. I avoid Maltodextrin and yeast when I can so I don’t buy this one any more. I continue to buy the Vinegar and onion flavor.
Interestingly, the Chili one was tastier and probably because of the Maltodextrin and yeast! I’m learning to live without it knowing I’ll be healthier.
Are there any crackers you like which are healthy in your opinion?