For the last three Saturday mornings, I have attended the Insanity class at the JRL Y in Fort Wayne at 915AM. The instructor is Tyann and we have had between five and eight people in the class. It’s a fast-paced cardio class and she does a good job explaining what moves we’ll be doing before we do them. She gives modifications I can make to each exercise to make it easier if I want to or can’t do it. The hardest exercise is probably the log jump and the end football drill for me because we go from the standing, quick peddling to push-up position in seconds and then backup. I am gassed at the end. There are times I am so exhausted I have to rest during the exercises.
Insanity is rated as an advanced class at the Y and I believe it. They only have two or three advanced classes. One difference between Insanity at the Y and Group Blast at Spiece is no steps and risers in Insanity like in Group Blast. And the room sizes are much different – Spiece has a gymnasium for Group classes with lots of room and a very high ceiling. Insanity has a nice, new room but much smaller and low ceilings. If our class grows too much, we will be too crowded to move I’m afraid.
I suggested last week that we take a “sweaty selfie” for social media and Tyann liked the idea. Of course I got this idea from my former gym’s group class leaders at Spiece Fitness: Becky, Kasi, and Hannah.