I’m always looking for food without grains in them and in 2017 I found something unique. I was driving by an industrial area of New Haven after a networking group. A new surplus store had opened in a warehouse and I ventured in to see what they had. Many food items were there including something from India. These were Sharwoods Indian Puppodums. They are round, flat crackers about 5 inches in diameter. The main ingredient is black gram bean flour and not wheat. Many of the orange boxes were bought and brought home. The crackers are cooked in a pan with oil and they turn out nice and crispy.
Sadly, I’ve run out of them and I’m trying to buy them locally without any luck. Meijrs, Krogers and some Asian grocery stores have been tried and next time I’m at Fresh Thyme I’ll check. Maybe I will have to mail order them from the evil Amazon.