Tomorrow is Group Fitness day for me at Catalyst Fitness in Northeast Fort Wayne, IN USA. The classes are free with my membership and everyone pays the same rate. My last fitness facility changed their rates and I would pay extra for classes.
My first class is Group Core, a 25 minute work with the step, weight plates, a yoga mat and maybe a hand towel. As the title says, you work your shoulders down to your hips and the parts in between. Grace is our instructor and give.
Second is Group Blast at 800am with Grace again. This class will have you sweating with a lot of cardio and leg work. We use the step and risers to get really work the lower body. Of course these are optional and you can do everything directly on the floor.
Next at 0900 Denise and I will be practicing martial arts kicks punches, elbows and knees with Muey Thai pads.
Finally at 1000am It’s the dance party class called Zumba upstairs in in the classroom off the track. We have fun with high-energy music and get fit at the same time.
Join me tomorrow at Catalyst Fitness and if you aren’t a member I can help you check out the facility and see if it’s for you.