(I originally started this article in October 2017 when I was a Y member for two months. I returned to Spiece Fitness in 2018. Today, January 22, 2020, I finally finished the article.)
The Jackson R Lehman (JRL)Y facility in Fort Wayne is fairly new and has all new equipment. It’s a good general purpose gym with nice cardio equipment. Unfortunately, for someone from Spiece Fitness, it is too small and not the variety or number of machines as Spiece.
The JRL Y has many exercise machines and I’d like to focus on one of them. It’s a multi-purpose machine with many stations on it and is used for their circuit-training classes. When their classes aren’t using the machine, it’s available to everyone to use. The Y machine has a small trampoline for ball bouncing, a rope waiving apparatus, a heavy bag for punching and a pull-up station. I can’t remember the other stations but there are others. I thought i had a picture of it, but i can’t find it.
The Sports performance area is huge at Spiece – probably as large as JRL Y’s entire weight area and cardio area combined. It has all sorts of room where you can do the same things as this one machine plus more. You can swing ropes attached to the wall, bounce balls on the floor or the wall, and push or pull sleds. There are 3 sizes of tires to flip or carry. You really miss it because of its vastness. The JRL Y is too confined and small to do the things the Spiece Sports Performance area allows you to do.
If you are a Y member and want to see how nice Spiece Fitness is, come out for a tour anytime. We’ll be glad to show you the best gym in the area.