Something I’ve wanted for several years has finally happened!. I’m working in the fitness industry! It didn’t happen overnight – it took many years of being a gym member at four different fitness centers and writing articles on my two web sites. I joined Catalyst Fitness as a member in June 2022 after being at Spiece Fitness for twelve years. At Catalyst Fitness I worked out typically four to six days a week solo in the weight rooms and took group fitness classes.
Our group fitness director at Catalyst was previously at Spiece and knew me from there. I let her know I wanted to work at Catalyst and she connected me to the owner. We started talking sometime this year over a couple of months on what I wanted to do to help our members. He hired me in April and I focus on member retention and getting them to see the benefits they have here at Catalyst. Some members don’t realize we have group fitness classes offered throughout the day or they assume they cost more. I give no-obligation tours for our members and the public. Since I’m an active member I talk to the members in the weight rooms and classrooms about our new equipment or existing ones they may not be aware of. I also put equipment back in the proper locations when members fail to. Members can report defective equipment to me around the facility and I will get it reported and repaired.
If you’re a Catalyst Fitness member look me up and if you’re not, ask me for a tour or how Catalyst can help you!