Wednesday evenings at 1830 (630PM EDT) I take the Group Centergy class with Lisa at Catalyst Fitness NE in Fort Wayne. It’s a Yoga/Pilates fitness class that has cobras, up dogs, planks and all the usual Yoga moves in it. I call it my physical therapy because it has the same effect as Physical Therapy. I have a pinched nerve running from my spine down my left leg from poor posture at desk jobs during my adult life. When it was diagnosed I did physical therapy for a few months and some of the therapy was similar to Yoga.
Group Centergy is more enjoyable than Physical Therapy since it has our instructor Lisa, music and we have fun in a group setting.
Members of Catalyst Fitness enjoy our Group Fitness classes as part of their membership which means they don’t cost extra. I could take two classes a day which is 14 classes a week and pay the same as someone who takes no classes.
Let me know if you want to check out my gym and I’ll show you why it’s a hidden gym in Allen County. I’d be glad to give you a tour or get you a tour.